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Responsible Whale Watching


We would like to thank those whale watching tour operators who are concerned for the animals and drive their boats accordingly.

Noise, exhaust, oil and fuel spills, plastic, high speed, obstruction, surrounding or trapping, can all have negative effects on these amazing animals.

1) Thank you for following whale watch guidelines.

2) Thank you for operating slowly, for staying in neutral within 100 yards, and for not using reverse or twisting engines (very loud underwater).

3) Thank you for keeping clean bilges so that oil doesn't get pumped overboard.

Beach cleanups and plastics​


Do you ever wonder what you can do to show respect for the ocean?  


1) Join a local beach clean up!

2) Make sure that plastics are secure in recycling or trash, and don't blow into the woods, rivers, or the ocean.

3) Dispose properly of oil, gas, cleaning products, medications, kitty litter, and read about their impact on different organisms.

4) No styrofoam!  When styrofoam floats break away from docks, sections wash onto the beach, where bears shred them into tiny bits, which are eaten by birds and other critters.

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Responsible research


On the Natoa, we do our best to minimize our impact on the animals.  We wouldn't perform our research if we didn't strongly believe that we were helping these magnificent creatures.  We use as many non-invasive research techniques as possible, like remote listening stations, long-lens photography, and diet studies by collection of samples.

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Images on this website are property of the North Gulf Oceanic Society, and were taken during activities pursuant to NMFS MMPA Permits No. 20341 and 15616.

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