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Support our work

For many years our project has been supported by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee council. Our mission fits very well with the mandate of this funding. Due to the wonderful support of many of you, our 2022 funding was re-instated, and we are still hopeful for future years, although it appears uncertain. A huge thank you to those of you who wrote letters in support of our organization, Olga Filatova,  John Maniscalco, Lance Barrett Lennard, Jeep Rice, John Ford, Lauren Peterson, Donna Schantz, Jim Bodkin, Gina Ylitalo, Nettie La Belle-Hamer, Alan Springer, Laurie MIllaine, Stephanie Millaine, Josh Jackson, Mike Boyce, Bixler McClure, Mike and Kelly Bender, Tammy Lang, Paul Twardock, Lauren Peterson, Andrew Smith, Amanda Bauer, Colleen Stephens, Caleb Craig, John Coffey, Kevin Clement, Ellen Ray, and Kara Weller.

Now we need to get more creative to keep this valuable 38-year legacy study going.  If you are interested in donating to our science efforts, contact us about joining 1% for the Planet, a wonderful environmental fundraising platform.  A huge thank you to Major Marine Tours, Kayak Adventures Worldwide, and  Alaska Coastal Explorer for significant support so far.  Also thank you to Seward Ocean Excursions for help in February 2022 to get our first winter sample.

​ We apply for research grants within scientific projects, but your help is important to further our research, and to increase our education and outreach to school children and the public.


If you would like to help support our organization, you can click the donate button, or send a check to the following address:​


North Gulf Oceanic Society

3430 Main St Suite B-1

Homer, Alaska 99603


Thanks for your help! 


The team at NGOS

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Images on this website are property of the North Gulf Oceanic Society, and were taken during activities pursuant to NMFS MMPA Permits No. 20341 and 15616.

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